Virtual Reality (VR) & The Metaverse

When you enter the virtual reality experience it can be done in different ways and which comes with different degrees of immersion and of course, cost. To get a VR headset is a good first step in the journey, and that does a great deal for the experience already, but below are more categories of hardware to add to the experience.

VR Headsets

VR Headesets is the most important category of hardware to immerse yourself deeper in the Metaverse, it takes over your vision, usually has speakers, and includes controllers to navigate the virtual world.

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VR Bodysuits

VR Bodysuits adds an extra layer on top of the visual and auditory experience theat the VR headsets bring. When you are immersed in the virtual world you will feel what is going on, not only observe it.

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VR Treadmills

VR Treadmills can really enhance the virtual world experience if the Metaverse is focused on moving around and exploring, you add a degree of precision and immersion that is simply not possible with buttons or a joystick.

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VR Gloves

VR Gloves takes the interaction with objects in the virtual world to the next level. Instead of holding a plastic controller you can with each finger interact and get haptic or force feedback to feel the item in your hand.

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