About Gambling in Metaverse

Gambling in Metaverse is created in an attempt to keep up with the ever changing landscape of gambling which has made its way into the metaverse. It is an exciting new chapter in immersion and style of interactions, and we are only in the very beginning of the journey.

What we are trying to achieve

Gambling in Metaverse wants to break all of the metaverse and gambling topics down to something that can be understood by anyone. What is even the metaverse, how do you participate, what games can you play in the metaverse, is it legal to gamble and so many other perspectives of this new experience.

If you just want to understand how you get into the metaverse that is going to be covered in full. But if you are curious and want to take one step beyond that and play a game of skill or game of chance, we got you covered.

The landscape of gambling

Gambling has been around for thousands of years in one form or another, mostly not regulated or taxed consistently. In the last few decades that has changed significantly with the move from land based to online gambling, where access to gambling has increased. The regulations are trying to keep up to make sure the players are safe and the money that is circulating does not originate from bad actors, all while getting their slice of income in the form of taxes.

Now we are moving in to the metaverse, and it is early days which may come with a bit of wild west and trying out things, from the creators of the experiences, to the gamblers, and of course the regulators.

Gambling in the metaverse

The next era of gambling is undoubtedly going to be within the metaverse where there are already experiences that are up and running. Some mimic very closely physical experiences around casinos and poker rooms, and some are wildly different where the core of the experience is still a game of chance or game of skill, but packaged completely differently.

We are confident that over time there will be something for anyone that wants to participate and add some excitement to the day to day life, while still keeping it safe and fun.